Monday, January 22, 2024

Is This a Goodbye, (Again)?

 Hello my future colleagues, this term has been a fulfilling exploration of current issues in ELT. I’ve grown as both a learner and future teacher.

The course had both negative and positive sides for me. It was fun mixing English Language teaching with technology together, but it was challenging sometimes because I had to use new tools that I haven’t used before. Once I managed to use them successfully, there wasn’t a problem for me anymore. Using technology in the course this much has motivated me to participate and do the assignments, for sure. It was easy and a plus for me to work with pairs, but as I said, it was sometimes difficult due to my lack of technology knowledge. 

My least ideal task was creating a corpus based material. Corpus based materials were just too complex for me. My most ideal one was definitely flipped classroom task. We had so much fun with my pair while both preparing the video and the worksheet.

My suggestion would be, maybe if we had practice in class, we might have had less difficulties while preparing the assignments. We learned how to use the website in the lesson, but sometimes we couldn’t practice using all of them during the lesson. 

My future colleagues who are going to take this course, I have something to say, just do not be scared! I know that new experiences may be scary sometimes, especially if you are a person who is as far as from the technology as me, but it is going to be so much fun! Just do your best, and let yourself in to the technology word. After all, we are the children of the technology. :)

This course definitely boosted both my teaching and tech skills, a powerful combo for future classrooms, and future teacher me.

Thanks for witnessing my experiences. Goodbye, or see you soon, who knows?

Let’s Have a Party: Creating an AI-Integrated Teaching Material

 Hello my future colleagues, today I am going to tell you about my Canva experience while creating an AI Integrated Teaching Material.

Me and my friend Ayşe Rümeysa Şahin prefered using Canva for this assignment. It definitely added a creat touch to our worksheet. We both already knew how to use Canva, so we didn’t have any difficulties.

Our target audience was 5th grade learners and we chose the topic Party Time from the MEB course book. Our focus was mainly on vocabulary. First, we prepared multiple choiced questions for our students, then we asked them to describe their ideal party with writing a paragraph. Then we asked to use QuillBot and look at alternative word suggestions and synonyms in their paragraphs. Lastly, the students should discuss how varying word choices can impact the overall tone and richness of their writing.

We had fun while preparing this assignment. Here is our material, and here is my pair Ayşe’s blog if you want to have a look.

Take care. See you soon!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Creating an AR/VR Integrated Teaching Material: Using Canva! Again?..

Hello my future colleagues, today I am going to tell you about my Canva experience while creating an AR/VR Integrated Teaching Material.

Me and my friend Ayşe Rümeysa Şahin used Canva for this task. Using Canva for ourAR/VR teaching material was exciting. Canva's easy design tools helped us mix 3D models and videos seamlessly. It was like painting with digital tools. Collaborating with others was simple, making the whole process enjoyable.

In language teaching, AR/VR tech is like a magic trick. AR adds cool stuff to regular lessons, making them more fun. VR takes students to new places for language practice. Imagine learning English by exploring a virtual city! Mixing Canva and AR/VR brings fun and learning together.

This combo makes teaching more interesting and helps students understand better. It's like adding colors and pictures to a book, but in a digital way. It's a new way of teaching that makes learning a language an adventure. With Canva and AR/VR, education becomes a cool mix of creativity and technology.

Here is our material, and my friend's blog, if you want to have a look.

See you soon, take care!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Flipped Classroom: Party Time Vocabulary for 5th Graders

 Hello my future colleagues, today I am going to tell you about my flipped classroom experience.

Have you ever heard of flipped classroom approach? In a flipped classroom, students learn at home through videos or readings, and class time is reserved for discussions and activities, emphasizing active learning. It allows personalized learning pace, enhances student-teacher engagement, and provides active learning. It has disadvantages, too. Flipped classroom approach depends on student tech availability. It may face resistance from students and teachers. Some students may not complete pre-class work. 

My friend Ayşe Rümeysa Şahin and I had to prepare a vocabulary teaching video for 5th graders about the unit Party Time. We used Animaker to prepare an animation video. It was reall hard for us to work with Animaker, because we haven't prepared an animation video before. First, we chose the vocabulary we were going to teach. Then we prepared the animation and added audio to it. We also prepared a worksheet for the students. I prepared the video and my pair prepared the worksheet. We used Canva to prepare it. 

Although it was a bit hard for us at the beginning, we had so much fun while doing this activity. We also think the animation we prepared is pretty fun. Hope our future students will like it too.

Here is my friend Ayşe's blog.

Here is our vocabulary teaching video and worksheet, if you want to have a look at them.

See you later!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Creating a Corpus-Based Teaching Material: Using Canva

Hello my future colleagues, today I am going to tell you about creating a corpus-based teaching material.

Creating a teaching material and worksheets for middle school students using a corpus-based approach has been an exciting experience for me. We started by putting together a mix of real-world examples to make the material more authentic and relatable. To bring everything to life, we used Canva. Canva made it easy to turn our teaching ideas into visually appealing and easy-to-follow materials. Its simple and user-friendly features allowed me to add colors, visuals, and interactive elements, making the learning experience more engaging for students. The combination of using a diverse language collection and Canva's design flexibility not only made the material look good but also helped students understand English in a more practical way. This experience taught me the importance of corpus-based teaching materials and blending creative content with design tools to make learning enjoyable and effective for middle schoolers.

Our target audience was 6th grade middle schoolers. Our focus was generally on vocabulary. The first activity was constructing sentences with the given words. With this activity, students will be able to construct sentences related to context. We also wanted students to do this activity with a friend, so that they will be able to learn working together and practice cooperative learning. For the last activity we made students prepare an invitation card. Students will be able to make an invitation and organize an event with this activity.

Besides the problems that may occur because of the lack of technology access, there are some other problems that may occur while using this material. Some students may struggle with generating creative ideas for their invitation cards. They may have different proficiency levels so we have to choose the vocabulary that will be suitable for all the students. Students might find it challenging to construct grammatically correct and varied sentences. Lastly, preparing an invitation card may take longer than expected, so that may lead to time constraints. 

It was a great experience for me, and working with my friend Şevval Yılmaz was also fun. Here is our corpus-based teaching material if you want to have a look, and here is my friend Şevval’s blog. See you all!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Digital Storytelling: Public Service Announcement

Hello my future colleagues, today I am going to tell you about one of my most extraordinary ELT experiences: Digital storytelling!

Digital storytelling can be simply described as “a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to create and share their stories online.” I have surely experienced something like this for the first time and I had so much fun. We had three options: Public service announcement (PSA), “how to” project and a fictional story. We chose creating a PSA with two of my group members Ayşe Rümeysa Şahin and Mehmet Furkan Tekeş. It was about timber mining, which means ruthless cutting of timber with complete disregard for the future of the forests.

One of the most significant advantages of creating a digital story in a language classroom is the use of second language for sure. It is very useful for students to improve their speaking skills. Another advantage is that students can speak English without hesitation and present their projects in front of their classmates. I have experienced a personal disadvantage of storytelling, I was shy about acting while shooting and speaking on the camera because I have never done something like this before and I think also some of my classmates could not show their full potential because they were shy, especially if they have chosen a fictional story to create.

You can watch our PSA here, and can also visit Ayşe’s and Furkan’s blog.

What do you think about digital storytelling and our PSA project? Please let me know your comments. See you all!

Closing The Term!


Hello my future colleagues, we are at the end of the term and today’s post is going to be about my experiences briefly, and my thoughts and learning process about technology & language integration as we are mainly focusing on that while taking the Educational Technologies course.

I would not say that technology was one of the most important features while learning a new language, but my thoughts have changed positively after taking this course. Of course I was saying that technology can be useful for language learners because of the technological sources, but I wouldn’t say more. As I am going to be a teacher and planning on working with children and teenagers, briefly 21st century learners, they are too integrated with technology and using technological methods while teaching them a new language will draw their attention to the lesson for sure. Besides using the technological sources, we can not see technology as a distant part of anything else as everything is integrated with technology, it is a huge part of our lives and it is everywhere, especially for the 21st century learners.

We have learned so many things and have done many tasks while taking this course. I think my favorite ones were creating a podcast and digital storytelling. I had so much fun doing them together with my friends, and I enjoyed talking with other people and hearing their answers while creating a podcast.

I would definitely say that this course was very useful for me, I learned using many digital programs that I have never used before and I think I will use them more effectively when I become a teacher in the future. It was so useful for us that our teacher provided us with many examples while giving the tasks. My advice for the course would having more tasks that require communication with other people such as podcasting, because that one was my favorite.

Sharing my experiences with you all was so much fun, take care and see you soon! 😊

Is This a Goodbye, (Again)?

  Hello my future colleagues, this term has been a fulfilling exploration of current issues in ELT. I’ve grown as both a learner and future ...