Monday, January 22, 2024

Is This a Goodbye, (Again)?

 Hello my future colleagues, this term has been a fulfilling exploration of current issues in ELT. I’ve grown as both a learner and future teacher.

The course had both negative and positive sides for me. It was fun mixing English Language teaching with technology together, but it was challenging sometimes because I had to use new tools that I haven’t used before. Once I managed to use them successfully, there wasn’t a problem for me anymore. Using technology in the course this much has motivated me to participate and do the assignments, for sure. It was easy and a plus for me to work with pairs, but as I said, it was sometimes difficult due to my lack of technology knowledge. 

My least ideal task was creating a corpus based material. Corpus based materials were just too complex for me. My most ideal one was definitely flipped classroom task. We had so much fun with my pair while both preparing the video and the worksheet.

My suggestion would be, maybe if we had practice in class, we might have had less difficulties while preparing the assignments. We learned how to use the website in the lesson, but sometimes we couldn’t practice using all of them during the lesson. 

My future colleagues who are going to take this course, I have something to say, just do not be scared! I know that new experiences may be scary sometimes, especially if you are a person who is as far as from the technology as me, but it is going to be so much fun! Just do your best, and let yourself in to the technology word. After all, we are the children of the technology. :)

This course definitely boosted both my teaching and tech skills, a powerful combo for future classrooms, and future teacher me.

Thanks for witnessing my experiences. Goodbye, or see you soon, who knows?

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Is This a Goodbye, (Again)?

  Hello my future colleagues, this term has been a fulfilling exploration of current issues in ELT. I’ve grown as both a learner and future ...