Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Film Review on Wiki: Being a Reviewer For The First Time!

Hello my future colleagues, I became a film reviewer for the first time and today I am going to talk about my Wiki experience.

We made a film review on Twilight with my friend Ayşe Rümeysa Şahin for the university magazine. We started with choosing a movie, and we chose the movie that we were both huge fan of when we were teenagers. We commented on Twilight and reviewed it, made an analysis on our Wiki page as you can see. We worked together while doing this, first discussed our ideas about the film and then we wrote them down. We shared our review and then we looked for our other friends’ reviews and commented on them. I have found many films and decided the ones that I think they are worth watching depending on my friends’ comments. We also had fun just reading the comments. Also, I used Wiki for the first time but it was not too hard for me, I think its design is kind of similar to the blog we are currently on. It was a fun experience for me reviewing a film and doing it together with my friends, we were able to comment on each other’s posts and it made the experience funnier.

our movie review is right here!

I will also share my friend Ayşe’s blog so that you can read about her experience too.

Have your ever reviewed a film or used Wiki? I am curious about your comments and I want to listen to your experiences as well. See you all!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Gen Z - 21st Century Learners & Technology

Hello my future colleagues, today we will be discussing about 21st century learning & technology. 

Think about your parents. Although you have a lot in common, you also have many differences with them, and by generalizing, I can say that most of these differences are due to generational differences. Each generation's people have different features and skills, so their learning methods are different from each other. Us future teachers have to keep up with recent methods and techniques while studying with our students and while doing this, technology will be our biggest helper and support.

pic from: https://elearningindustry.com/technology-benefits-learning

So what is 21st century learning? We can briefly say that it is a learning model which is student-centered. Learners play the bigger role in the 21st century learning. There are some skills that a 21st century learner must have. Some of these skills are critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, digital literacy, creativity and having a great communication with others. Besides the learner, the teacher must have some features too. 21st century learning features are also important for language teaching since language learning also requires communication skills. Technology is greatly integrated in education in 21st century. Both teacher and students must use technology well. It is also important to use technology in classroom to draw students’ attention and also it will be much more easier for students to understand the lesson.

You can share your ideas and we can discuss about them in the comments. See you all!

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Hello my future colleagues, welcome to my blog for gen z teachers. I am Zeynep and I am an English Language Teaching student in Marmara University. I have had some teaching experiences before and now as I am learning more about languages and teaching, I hope I will have more experiences as a teacher. I created this blog to share my process and future teaching experiences with you. We can discuss problems that gen z teachers are dealing with, share our experiences, or new techniques and technologies about teaching and education together.

Is This a Goodbye, (Again)?

  Hello my future colleagues, this term has been a fulfilling exploration of current issues in ELT. I’ve grown as both a learner and future ...